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Meet ups - Language Exchange Groups Meet ups - Language Exchange Groups, Intercambio de Idiomas, and other activities.


      Join us in Madrid any week, all year long:

-Tuesdays at El Parnasillo del Príncipe (Príncipe 33) starting at 10pm.

-Wednesday at the International Dinners for 15€ (1st + 2nd + 1Dessert + 1Drink), at 21:30h.

-Thursdays at Beer Station starting at 10pm (cuesta de Santo Domingo, 22, metros Santo Domingo or Callao).
Every first Thursday of the month, at 21h, before Intercambio Meetup at the Beer Station, have fun in English (and practice your listening if you're not a native English speaker) with the comedians of HahaJa! (UK, USA, and Ireland).
For more info on tickets, check here
Thursday language exchange  starts immediate after every show!

-Fridays at the Movies O.V. in English (reduced price for us), at Cine Ideal (Doctor Cortezo 6) and La Cruz de Malta (Victoria,3) after the movie (we have a free drink for the used cinema ticket), near the theater.

-Sundays at Beer Station, from 19h.